A bit of history
In 1989 there was no Education Committee to catechize the Parents and Godparents of the first Filipino baby, Zellin Alvarado-Jose, that was baptized in the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore. Fr. Emil Santos made every effort to meet and give them the required formation seminar so that the sacrament of baptism could be understood by them.
The first FCSL Education Committee governed by Mr. Peter Diaz and Ms. Juliet Cunamay was formed in the year 1991. During those times, Fr. Emil Santos was the one who carefully mentored the said committee so that they can provide pre-Baptism catechetical instruction to both parents and godparents of the to-be-baptized children.
The work of catechizing is an empowerment of the laity. It is an act of service that the lay can do under the supervision of the chaplain. And this is what the Education Committee actually did. From that time on, its catechetical prowess increased to include formation seminars on the sacrament of Confirmation as well.
Duties & Responsibilities
The FCSL believes that formation is at the heart of all empowerment. Parishioners that are sufficiently formed and catechized form the base for future Catholics that are mature in the faith.
The Education Committee is the primary support in nourishing the parishioners’ spiritual conciousness. It regularly holds seminars as mandatory requirements in the preparation of Christian families who will be receiving the sacraments of Baptism and/or Confirmation.
The Education Committee also facilitates the FCSL annual Lenten and Advent Recollections, taking care that the community is well-nurtured intellectually and more bound together socially.
Furthermore, the Education Committee is responsible for providing spiritual growth and intellectual formation thru catechetical instruction.
Significant Contribution to FCSL
The most significant contribution of the Education Committee to FCSL is precisely that—Education. Education will ensure that we will have a Catholic population that understands the rudiments of their faith. Catechism is something that the community really needs. FCSL is known to be a very active community in the sense that there are so many activities organized. The formation aspect should likewise be developed.
Marriage Enrichment Seminars
Wish for FCSL
We wish to see the Education Committee extend its services not only to Pre-Sacramental Seminars, but also develop a solid catechetical instruction aimed at two sectors of the community, the youth and adults. This will be a great gift to FCSL on its 25th Anniversary