Healing Eucharist

What is the Healing Eucharist?

The Healing Eucharist is a covenant community, formed not by chance, but by God’s inspiration. From a simple gathering in a house with the purpose of prayer, thanksgiving and sharing on the Word of God, it has become a home of migrant Catholic believers.

Its vision is that by encountering Jesus Christ in the Holy Mass and earnestly praying one can receive spiritual, emotional, and physical healing with the help of Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 33,6). And despite being away from  loved ones who are afflicted with sorrow and having burdens in life, one may find peace (John 16,33), joy (Philippians 2,2), and hope (Romans 15,4), living a good life (Psalm 119,1-25), and having fruitful pilgrimages.

Its main mission is that anyone who joins will be drawn closer to God through prayer and finds the blessings desired through voluntary participation in various missions, using the time, ability and wealth of God’s gift to guide the preparation of the Spiritual life, because, “the life of man is short” (Job 14,1).


HE Mission Ministries