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Bible Study Group

Brief History

One of the Formation Programs that Fr. Dave Buenaventura initiated on the last year of his service as FCSL Chaplain was the Bible Study (BS) on the Wednesdays. That was in 2007. The following year the returning Chaplain, Fr. Emil Santos, continued the program for about four years.

Held within the premises of Istituto Salesiano Don Bosco along Via Tonale 19, the weekly encounter begins at 7:30 pm with a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The sessions are open to everyone although a majority of the attendees are from FCSL. Mass is celebrated on the first Wednesdays of the month.

The BS sessions focuses on the readings for the Sunday following. Fr. Emil gives insights on the readings, and then the attendees break into groups for reflection and sharing. A sudden illness of Fr. Emil made the life of the BS short-lived. It was discontinued after July 2013.

In February of 2014, after much prodding from the Familia Group of Santa Maria del Carmine, Fr. Noel Osial started his own style of Bible Study. This was held on the evening of Thursdays and was done in his office at the Parrocchia San Domenico Savio at Via Rovigno 11/A. The great majority of the session is an in-depth analysis of the Sunday Gospel only. At times entering into hermeneutics and textual criticism.


Fr. Bong intended the Bible Study for Lay Preachers and Lay Leaders so that they can confidently lead their flocks during their weekend encounters. The initiative is paying off. The BS began with only the Familia and YECCC attending. Now there are also the leaders from MMMP, CFC-Global, CFC-FFL, Servants of the Holy Spirit, Filipino Community of San Tomaso, God-is-Good Bible Sharing Group, BSYG, and also some individuals who just want to get a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. The number of attendees has ballooned to an average of 30 persons per session. When the Bible Study resumed after the holidays, the venue moved to the Oratorio San Domenico Savio for the office of Fr. Bong no longer suffices.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Bible Study has become a venue for reading, reflecting, and deepening on the Word of God. There is the continual challenge to live the principles the Gospel espouses.

It has also been an effective instrument of evangelization for whatever is discussed eventually finds its way into the talks, reflections, and sharings that are given by the group leaders to their own respective groups.


Significant Contribution to FCSL

The Bible Study is a vey practical way for Fr. Bong to reach out to members of FCSL that are effectively holding their prayer meetings and gatherings away from the Basilica of San Lorenzo due to a pronounced lack of space.

It has given leaders and preachers the confidence to speak knowing that their little knowledge of the Word of God is backed-up by a solid Biblical and theological input provided by the Bible Study

25th Anniversary Wish for FCSL

The Bible Study wishes the best for FCSL as it grows and bears fruit as a community. It is hoped that the Word of God may be accorded the honor it so deserves during its liturgical and para-liturigcal celebrations.

During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic made in-person gatherings an impossibility. After some months of initial absence, the Bible Study resumed its classes albeit online–via ZOOM. It has expanded its audience for even participants from outside Milan were able to attend. The format remains the same — we begin and end with prayers to Mary Help of Christians, with the Bible Study done after reading the coming Sunday’s Gospel.