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Lectors & Commentators


The Filipino Community of San Lorenzo is primarily a worshiping community. This has always been first and foremost in the mind of the founding chaplain—Fr. Emil Santos, SDB. Everyone in the community does his utmost best in order to contribute to the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist.

Splendid music is provided by the FCSL Choir. Once a month the Kids & Youth Choir animate the singing. With the assistance of these two choirs, our prayers are rendered double in value.

The Youth are not to be outdone in contributing to worship. They are featured in the liturgy as altar servers, collectors, and even lectors. It is very inspiring to see these youths always present not only for the Sunday Masses, but also for other liturgical celebrations during the week even outside of the Basilica of San Lorenzo.

In the year 2018, special attention was given to formation of the various adult ministers in the celebration of the holy Mass. Fr. Noel Osial, SDB has embarked on giving Church ministers a rather serious liturgical formation spanning a whole year of almost bi-weekly sessions. There had been retreats and recollections, and even a trip to Rome, in order to enhance their liturgical awareness. And when their formation was completed, Fr. Alberto Vitali led the Commissioning Ceremony for the Lectors and the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The first months were shaky as everyone was fearful of committing blunders in front of their formators. But now, we can honestly affirm that the commissioned Lectors and Commentators of FCSL can be rated among the best in the diocese.


The liturgical ministers are lay people who volunteered and underwent the necessary formation program so that they can worthily proclaim the Word of God with the dignity and power it deserves.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Readers and Commentators for the Tagalog Masses in the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore and wherever the FCSL celebrates mass, are always taken from this pool of qualified lay people. It is their primary duty to prepare, pray, proclaim, and live the Word of God.

The only exception allowed is when the Mass is sponsored by the Youth (every second Sunday of the month). The youths are allowed to read after enough preparations are made.

Significant contribution to FCSL

Without doubt, these prepared lectors and commentators have actualized the hearing of the Word of God, calling to mind St. Paul’s admonition: “How can they hear, unless someone proclaims it (cf. Rm 10, 14).” The table of the Word of God is a major part of the Eucharistic Celebration. And these lectors and commentators have facilitated the task of listening, hearing, and praying the Word of God.