Brief history
The Youth Committee is part and parcel of the WESTY Parish Program. WESTY stands for Worship, Education, Socio-cultural, Temporalities, and Youth. As is evident, the Youth Sector is not an appendix but an integral part of the Pastoral Council. It officially began in 1991 with the first FCSL Youth Committee under Mr. Eric Mendoza and Ms. Juliet Flores.
It is beautiful to note that in the early years of FCSL, the Youth Committee is being run by adults with a supervisory function on the Youth. But as FCSL is growing, so are the youth and slowly but surely, parents have been bringing in their children from the Philippines. To date, we can say that the number of FCSL youth has ballooned to as much as a third of the total assembly. And it is very noticeable that today, it is the Youth themselves who are running the Youth Committee. The adults are there simply to guide them.
The Youth Committee takes charge of the affairs of the youth. The Youth Committee promotes a ministry that aids parents in the delicate task of raising their children and young people. They provide formations, programs and activities that deepen the friendship and commitment of youth to the Lord. “Youth serving youth” is their battle cry. They are actually evangelizers of their fellow youth.
Palm Sunday. The Local WYD celebrations are an important part of being Church for the young. Some of them will be lucky to be joining the actual WYD experience abroad, but most will have to be content with savoring the message and experience at home.
Composition - Pastoral Year 2013-2015
The Youth Committee is composed of 100% youth leaders from different youth groups recognized by FCSL. They are Mr. Jayson Loba, Mr. Moks Manaog, Mr. Anthony Nogoy, Mr. Ronald Sagbang, Mr. Kenneth Canlas, Mr. Raff Ocampo, Ms. Gem Quiroz, Ms. Irene Sahagun, Ms. Maureen Encarnacion, Mr. Adonis de Luna, Mr. Jenrick Espiritu, Mr. Kim Borong, Ms. Sarah Nueca, Ms. Aizle Alana, and Ms. Crishel Repatacodo.
The FRIENDSHIP GAMES or SUMMER SPORTSFEST is a venue for camaraderie, teamwork, and healthy competitions. It is a summer activity that both adults and young pinoys are looking up to.
Significant contributions to FCSL
Where there are the youth, there is a sure future. FCSL is assured of a future because it is exploding with youth. The youth has become a steady source of new ideas and gimmicks in the actualization of old Pastoral Council projects. The youth just sees things differently from the adults and they know what “clicks” in today’s world.
The Youth Committee is the life of the community. They are vibrant, noisy, and ever moving about, dancing whenever the opportunity arises.
They are active not only in real life, but also in social media. The motto “Youth Serving Youth” becomes an inspiration for every one to go beyond their own selves and reach out to others.
Lay Empowerment
The Youth Committee is ever grateful to the confidence and trust that the Pastoral Council is affording them especially whenever big tasks, like organizing the Paskong Pinoy 2013 program, is entrusted to them. Yes, nothing is impossible when the Youth put their hearts into something they want to do. It goes without saying, that we also value the guidance that is constantly given us. There is always a “Big Brother” overseeing our actions.
Onwards after FCSL@25
Since the pastors of the Filipino Community of San Lorenzo are Salesians, it necessarily follows that the youth are given a privileged attention by the Community. That is exactly the case in San Lorenzo. Kids, adolescents, young adults: the youth is very dear to our hearts.
Start them young. The entry point to the Church is always baptism. And we had found a way around so that FCSL can celebrate baptisms albeit in another parish—Parrocchia San Domenico Savio in Turro. As very young children, they praise and glorify the Lord with their running, giggling, and crying. But as they learn to walk, they begin kissing the hands of elders (the priest included), they offer lighted candles during the Mass, they accompany their parents for Holy Communion. They begin wondering … there is a God?
And before they realize it, they are thrust into games, activities, and services fit for them like joining the Kids and Youth Choir and becoming Ministers of the Altar, also known as Knights of the Altar.
We find something special to fire up the youths every month. We celebrate Epiphany by giving candies to children both young and old. Sto. Niño Feast day is an opportunity for organized games. Valentine’s Day sees them in formal attire for the Prom, a Valentine Party, or a Masquerade Ball. Holy Week sees them preparing for the Local World Youth Day celebrations. The Summer Friendship Games is a healthy sports competition with the youth at the spotlight. Recently we have added the Leadership Summer Camp which we have dubbed “JLoG” or “Joy and Love with God” Camp. The lucky ones are able to join the actual World Youth Day celebrations in various countries. The more gifted ones are inspired to serve their fellow youths.
These young people receive a well-rounded formation in FCSL. It is really wonderful to see these youth grow and mature and learn to balance school, work, family, and Church. No matter how busy they become, they always find a way to come back home to the Church where they grew up.