Couples for Christ Family Ministries

Brief History of the CFC

The Couples for Christ (CFC), a Catholic organization intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life saw the light of day in Milan in October 25, 1998. Membership in CFC begins upon completion of the Christian Life Program (CLP). Members are made part of a small cell group called a Household which meets weekly for encouragement and mutual support in their Christian life, the CFC Milan Chapter began to establish the family Ministries and now we have: 40 Kids for Christ (for children ages 4-12), 78 Youth for Christ (for children ages 13-21), 40 Singles for Christ (for single men and women ages 22-40), 124 Handmaids of the Lord (for widows, mature women, divorced women and single mothers), 20 Servants of the Lord (for widowers, mature single men, divorced men and single fathers) and 136 Couples (married couples).

In March 11, 2000, CFC was granted Vatican recognition as an International Association of the Faithful of the Pontifical Right, through the Pontifical Council for the Laity. In April 25, 2005, the Vatican confirmed CFC’s recognition and issued the definitive approval of its International Statutes.

In later years, in order to address the needs of the materially poor, social ministries were established gradually evolving into an umbrella organization which is Gawad Kalinga launched 2004 with 12 houses in Italian Village, and 1 house in European Village in Paranaque to help CFC members that are poor. The CFC also has the program ANCOP (Answering the Cry Of the Poor) and ADOP Scholar launched 2012 and supporting 3 students in Grades 8-12.

In April 2008, CFC Milan Chapter challenged its mission group by vigorously pursuing their global goals of Evangelization and Formation to other places like Padova, Mantova, Udine, Perdenone and Venice.

There’s a continuous CLP for SFC, Hold, Sold, Couples, Kids and Youth Camp once a year.

Duties and Responsibilities

CFC Milan Chapter provides a continuing program of pastoral and spiritual formation which includes Church teachings, Scriptures, Christian relationships, recollections and retreats. We are one with the Church and regularly seek her guidance through our Spiritual Director. Its members support the parish priests and are available for parish services. CFC is a working model for the development of Basic Ecclesial Communities and can hasten the formation of a strong and vibrant parish community.

Significant Contributions of CFC to FCSL

CFC actively supports FCSL activities for the spiritual deepening of the members, not just a regular church goers every Sunday but one that will reflect the spirit of community life by showing a good example and supporting every activity that will enable the community to better appreciate the work that God offered to His people.

Lay Empowerment

Being a lay movement, the CFC is actually a very clear example of Lay Empowerment where the lay has taken responsibility for their own Christian and spiritual formation. In order not to stray from the Church’s magisterium, the CFC makes sure that they are guided by Spiritual Directors that are priests.

FCSL Pilakbay Celebration

CFC offers special PRAYERS as FCSL advances in the milestones of its journey. We hope for this gathering to be the biggest and grandest ever. May the spirit of LOVE, UNITY and COLLABORATIONS from conviction of the Spirit, eager to answer the call to do one thing —spread the love of Christ.