Simbang Gabi 2021

11 December 2021, Zoom Meeting

The FCSL Volunteers never run out of ideas that would make the liturgical celebration more fitting and alive while remaining mysterious and awesome.

For the Simbang Gabi this year, they have brainstormed on the idea of the light overcoming the darkness. Of course Jesus Christ is The light and he overcame the ultimate darkness of sin. However we can also do our part in overcoming darkness wherever we find them today here in Milan and wherever we are.

The Covid-19 Pandemic really has created havoc and has brought a dramatic darkness in our society. Everyone is affected. The fear of contracting it is pronounced. The pandemic has brought darkness in the health aspect, both physical and mental. It has also affected work and income. 

But there is more, climate change has brought ever powerful storms to Philippine shores. During the Simbang Gabi days, the super-typhoon Odette (International name Rai) has hit Central Philippines and has caused so much damage. It has brought darkness to all of us.

Indeed the darkness is undeniable. But we can do something to contribute so that the light of salvation may shine. Everytime we send remittances, we add light. Everytime, we show concern, we add light. Everytime we give ayuda, we add light. We will not be able to help everyone, but those who receive out help do see the light.

And we want to express this small contribution during the Simbang Gabi. And we will do it as follows: The Belen will be setup and behind it, a dark-colored cloth will be placed representing outer space. It actually also represents the darkness around us. Every night, we will add stars into this dark space until we fill it with stars and the darkness will be overcome by light. The Star of Bethlehem will be lighted on the last night.

Mechanics: The stars are sticker cut-outs. They are available at the Accoglienza with a free donation. The stars may be taken any moment when they enter the Church. The stars will be placed on the background during the offertory while the Choir sings a Christmas Carol.

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