Time for chaplain to refresh

Fr. Bong will go for a short vacation in the Philippines this coming November 8 until December 4. His vacation is timed to coincide with the 1st year death anniversary, comonly known among Batangueños as “Babang Luksa,” of his mommy, Araceli V. Osial on November 30.

He has invited priests from Collegio Filipino in Rome to substitute him during his absence.

There will be 1 priest for every weekend. Therefore our communities will be welcoming 4 priests in our midst. The priests are 1) Fr. James Wendelle (Bob) PURACAN, 2) Fr. Derrick James VERGARA, 3) Fr. Obaldo (Eon Genesis) PAGULON, and 4) Fr. Caloi DEL ROSARIO.

Please take good care of them

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